About Juan David’s Newsletter
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I write a Weekly Memo about the adventures and challenges of being a curiously ambitious teenager through the lenses of optimism, science, and entrepreneurship.
This is also the place where I share personal updates and my latest projects.
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This is also the place where I share personal updates and my latest projects.
About me
Not Juan. Not David. Say it with me...Juan David!
I was originally born and raised in Venezuela and moved to Chicago when I was 14. When I first arrived in the U.S., I knew no English but mastered it in less than six months. Just a year after learning the language, I started taking college-level and honors classes.
I speak four languages (Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Chinese), founded the digital marketing agency Optimum Smart, serves on Naperville's Downtown Advisory Committee, and contributes to the nonprofit Panas en Chicago, which provides assistance to Venezuelan immigrants. I’m constantly looking for new opportunities to help others.
I was compelled to write a book called Generation Optimism to inspire the next generation to embrace a worldview of optimism. I continue to share my message by creating videos, appearing in interviews, and giving TEDx Talks (both on YouTube).
I’m an engineering student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I’m obtaining the foundation of specialization in a method of thinking as I want to have one strong technical skill that I can build on to create companies, projects, and help others.
Besides studying engineering, I’m also a biophysics researcher where he researches antimicrobial peptides, which can potentially be used to treat diseases such as cancer, lung diseases, and infections.
I write essays and a newsletter about the challenges and adventures of being a curiously ambitious teenager through the lenses of optimism, science, philosophy, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
When I’m not pursuing an opportunity or a crazy challenge (like building/designing underwater objects), I’m playing soccer, running, volunteering at the Museum of Science and Industry, or learning about science at America's particle physics and accelerator laboratory. I’m always looking for things to do, challenges to overcome, and successes to achieve.
You can connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter at @jdcampolargo. However, The best way to connect with me and follow my progress is by joining my Weekly Memos (JuanDavidCampolargo.com/newsletter) along with hundreds of smart and curious people.
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