Hi Hello,
Think about this question:
What’s the difference between wanting to know something VS wanting to do something?
Wanting to know something is becoming aware. Why? To know more. Often, not really a reason, just wanting to know more.
Wanting to do something has a reason. You want to do something to get something back.
I realized that I don’t want to do everything I want to know about. Sounds obvious but it’s important to understand the difference because you may find yourself doing something you want to know about, but not do.
Is the reason to know that thing strong enough to make you do it? In most cases, the answer will be no.
But why did you want ever want to know that thing?
To do anything requires a story. That story will get through the challenges and meaninglessness you will find. Stories help you overcome obstacles and create meaning.
If you thought you want to do something but soon realized you don’t like it or it’s too hard for no reason, you may be lacking a story that explains it all or explains nothing.
Stories can be created. You can borrow them, or you can create your own. But a story is what you need.
Borrowing a story is easy but may not fit you, and you’ll find yourself living someone else’s life.
How about creating your own? A story is like a philosophy.
Everyone has a philosophy. Most follow one. Some combine one. Others search for one. Few create their own.
See you next week,
Juan David Campolargo