Hi there,
First, some good news. I was selected as an undergrad mentee for a research apprenticeship program where I’ll be aiming to understand biology at a molecular level using knowledge from diverse disciplines such as chemistry, physics, and computer science.
I’ll specifically be using physics-based simulations to recreate biological phenomenon that other scientists cannot directly see.
In The College Manifesto, one of my goals was to get involved with research, and I’ll be doing exactly that. Again, it’s the importance of setting goals and knowing what you want.
We need many more young people to get involved in engineering and science-related fields. That’s where our growth will come from!!
In this issue, I’ll share everything that I know about finding opportunities such as internships and research. The summer is coming so take advantage of it☀️!
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Curiosities on Internships and Research🥼👨💻🧪.
1. Why You Don’t Need Experience for Internships
Do you really think you need experience to get an internship?
You couldn’t be more wrong…
2. How To Find Professors/Researchers?
Find researchers to work with
How to find scientists to work with?
Avoid being artificial
Take their classes
Office hours
DM/Email them
Make yourself useful to them
Get a job as an assistant or research at somebody's labs
Keep in mind this question
Why would someone be a mentor?
High potential person, and they can help reach that potential
If they can see that their advice pays off 10x in you
It’s easy to go through college and be mindless about the possibilities and opportunities that are available. This is one that I’m the most excited about.
From The College Manifesto: Becoming a Successful Student.
3. Learn To Email?
A lot of these best opportunities often come from emailing people and knowing how to reach out to them.
Check out this article, this one, or this tweet about emailing Mark Cuban, and this short template on getting an internship at Snapchat.
4. What Can You Do Over the Summer? Many Things
Here are some ideas:
Create an internship by you reaching out to them!
Summer Classes
Start a project (Startup, Blog, YouTube Channel, podcast, etc).
Learn a skill (Coding, public speaking, etc).
Have fun!
5. General Resources
Here are my favorite resources you can use to get what you want:
Twitter: The most underrated tool out there. Period. As long as you don’t follow politics, sports, or entertainment. Twitter is the best tool for networking and learning from the smartest people.
LinkedIn: This one goes without saying but make sure to have your profile up to date.
Jumpstart: Their slogan is “The all-in-one virtual recruiting platform.” This tool allows you to apply to jobs and internships with just a click. If you’re a match, they’ll ask for more information.
ColorStack: If you’re a minority in a CS-related field, you need to join this community ASAP.
And if you go to UIUC, let me know and I’ll share some cool resources.
If you think you're intentional about what you're doing. Check yourself again.
You can never be 100% intentional. That's fine! You can remind yourself to be intentional and get back on track.
I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions by replying to this email.
See you next week,
Juan David Campolargo