Juan David's Newsletter - April 19, 2020
Hi There,
This week was very thought-provoking for two reasons:
1) My school will be canceled for the rest of the year. (More on this below)
2) I found captivating Curiosities. (More on this below)
Let’s get right into it
How To Invest Using No Money If You’re Under 18
If it’s easier, you can also read this article on my website.
I started investing when I was 13. I traded and invested in stocks and cryptocurrencies. I’ve made money and I’ve lost money. But both taught me how to be a better investor.
Whenever I have a few cents, I always invest it all. 1) I’m young, hence I can afford a greater risk because I don’t have obligations and/or could afford to lose (I don’t like it though) 2) It makes no sense to have the money in the bank (you lose every day because of inflation).
How can you invest with $0?
There is one way to use your parent’s money (not what you’re thinking) and your money by using automated investing apps. For instance, Acorns lets you automatically invest spare change by rounding up the purchases you make with a credit or debit card.
Personally, I don’t have that many transactions so it wouldn’t be as effective. I found a better way:
Talk to your parents and convince them to let you use their information (i.e. SSN)
Explain to them focusing on the advantages and benefits to them and to you such as learning how to invest, becoming more independent, or saving up for a cause.
Once you do that, you have two paths:
Set up an automated investing account (i.e. Acorns, Stash, SoFi, etc)
Convince your parents to let you round up their debit and credit transactions.
That’s it! You’re done and investing.
I love investing because I make money. Investing is a way to grow and multiply your money. I’d suggest you start today using my Acorns invite link, and you’ll get $5 to invest. You can sign up here.
People like to get fancy, but investing does not need to be complex, it can be easy and automated. And sometimes without using your own money.
Curiosity #1
My school will be canceled for the rest of the year. This could become a source of anxiety, stress, and depression, especially for us seniors. However, I was not feeling any of that so I asked myself, “What am I seeing/doing differently?”
I realized that one of the reasons why that happens is that I’m always working on exciting projects. I wanted to invite my peers and friends into this reality.
I made this Instagram story and shared it across social media.
More than ten people messaged me, telling me bored and sad they were. I tried to help and show them my humble perspective. Three of them are already working with me on super exciting projects.
Sometimes, people just need to see a different path. That’s what I humbly tried to do.
Curiosity #2
I was invited to a TV Interview on Te Lo Cuento News. I shared my thoughts about the current situation, and what we can do to improve our perspective.
Click here, if you’d like to check it out (In Spanish)
Curiosity #3
A few days ago, I was trying to go to sleep, but I couldn’t because I had so many ideas so I took a pen and a piece of paper. I downloaded them from my brain, and I wrote every single one of those ideas.
One idea was making a quick Youtube video every day until I get to 1,000 subscribers. (Hopefully, I don’t have to make that many hahaha)
I made my first one yesterday. Check it out!
Curiosity #4
My favorite people are polymaths.
I found this guy who Bill Gates described him as the smartest man he knew.
Introducing Nathan Myhrvold.
Former Microfost CTO
Author of Cook Books
Invented a new kind of nuclear reactor
Researches dinosaurs and asteroids
Dr. Myhrvold says that one of the things that spark creativity is taking ideas from one place and applying them to another place.
I’m always working on many projects, sometimes they could seem totally unrelated.
The power of focusing on many ideas simultaneously is grossly underrated. Especially in a society that rewards overspecialization. The most creative breakthroughs come from the polymaths who are able to make connections across fields.
It’s truly a comparative advantage.
If you could have a superpower. What would it be? Mine would be imagination, which we already have.
I’d choose imagination over other superpowers such as flying or invisibility. Imagination is the unbelievable ability to see what doesn’t exist yet. Using imagination, you can see what’s not there and what could be there.
Creativity is the ability to imagine the world. First, imagine, then build.
Until next Sunday!
Juan David Campolargo
Visit my Website: JuanDavidCampolargo.com